Make Magic Happen
Motivation is such a big part of everyone’s lives.
It’s the one thing I feel as though someone is always in search of, either we have too little or none at all.
Motivation is a constant factor, always in the balance of our days, effecting our moods and our responses to the environment around us.

Please know that if you feel like you have been struggling on a motivational level lately, so have I. Know that you are never alone in that feeling. I know all to well that lack of motivation is a feeling that can consume you and sometimes you just need a little pick me up to push you forward.
Lately, my presence on social media & my blog has been almost non-existent, and I apologize to any who take the time to follow me and read what I write. Balancing a full-time job and my photography business on the side has proven to be difficult and I have struggled to find the motivation at the end of the day to create content and take photos.
As I have recognized these struggles in myself, I decided it was finally time to do something about it. Of course, ironically, to act upon it I needed to motivate myself!
Here are five sure-fire ways to help yourself stay motivated & inspired:
Write it Down
No matter where I go I always have something to write with and something to write in. I have been known to be quite the stationary hoarder, but that’s beside the point haha! If you have something to write in, it’s a lot easier to get your thoughts out and you will be less likely to forget something! More importantly, if you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by your thoughts & can’t seem to make sense of anything, writing it down can often make it a heck of a lot easier to organize them into something you can better understand. It also allows you to prepare yourself & create a great game plan!
2. Make a Playlist
What better way to motivate yourself than with a set list of your all time favorite songs? Whether it be in the car, at home or at the office (headphones suggested) – crank up the music and get to work. The hardest part of motivation is the first step, getting started. After you start, it becomes more of a snowball effect – you keep working and before you know it, you’ve accomplished a lot!

3. Snacks
I love food, and almost everyone I know loves food too – all jokes aside, lack of nourishment can seriously affect your level of concentration! If you’re stomach is growling or if you’re dehydrated, your body doesn’t have the proper fuel to operate at peak efficiency. So, go ahead and stock up on all of the snacks before getting to work!
4. Dress the Part
There are many different scenarios in which we might need motivation – and very often wardrobe has a role. If you are in some serious need of workout motivation (as I often am) make sure your wardrobe plays its part. Pick up some cute, but practical, workout clothes because how can you not be motivated to put in a good workout with some
cute gear?
Or, if you’re looking for some motivation at the office, a wardrobe revamp could also be just as beneficial! Try bringing some power to your work wardrobe by adding in bright pops of color or some new sleek styles! You could even grab yourself a power suit because
why not?
Motivation can be found in the smallest of changes that we make, if you dress the part then you can most certainly play the part!
5. A Good Night’s Sleep
We can’t actually be expected to function like normal human beings if our tanks are running on empty right? Make sure to get your beauty rest to ensure that your energy levels are high! With a restful night and more energy, it’s hard not to find motivation.
When all is said and done, if you are trying your very best then that is definitely enough. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself, because although pressure can create diamonds it can also create a lot of stress. Always remember to be kind to not only others, but especially to yourself.
Now go ahead, put on your favorite song, your best clothes and grab your notebook & pen – time to make magic happen!

Any additional tips or tricks you'd like to share? Let me know in the comments below!
& don't forget to follow along on Instagram by clicking the Instagram handle below!