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New Year, New You

As January comes to a close most of us are looking back longingly to the beginning of the month where anything felt possible and we were all full of wonder - but then, we hit that ever present “slump” and that’s totally fine! Here are 5 fool proof ways to bounce back and still meet some fitness goals this year!


1. Remember…Quitting “Cold Turkey” does not always work

If you remember one thing from this article, please remember this: quitting something cold turkey almost never works, it’s just human nature. So it is totally fine if on January 1st you were sitting in bed eating chips and watching Netflix. Even though we set extremely high standards for ourselves we can’t really expect to wake up on the 1st of the new year and have somehow morphed into some type of fitness god/goddess over night (am I right?) Instead, try to slowly add in workouts & healthier food options to your daily schedule & before you know it you will have met your fitness goals!

2. Set a Mantra for yourself

Sometimes when the going gets tough the tough need to brush off their shoulders, wipe the tears away and eat salad instead of pizza. I know it’s hard to imaging a life without carbs & sweets but the truth is you don’t have to imagine that scary life! Science says that it takes a human being exactly 30 days to form a habit. Think about it, is 30 days really that long of a time? It is for this reason exactly that this is my ever present mantra. If I am struggling with eating better or exercising more I just think to myself “If I do this for 30 days, it will actually get easier” After you master your fitness schedule and make it through those 30 days, you can start to reincorporate some of your favorite treats in moderation. Being healthier isn’t about crash diets or compensating better eating with more exercise, it is about creating a new lifestyle for yourself that you are happy with!

3. Cute Clothes Never Hurt Anyone

Finding the motivation to work out is already hard enough, so why not make it a little bit easier with a cute outfit. At least you can work out and know that you look amazing doing it!

Personally, I know that when I sport a cute outfit to work out, my confidence level is 5x higher than if I were to wear whatever crumpled up pieces of clothing I could find first. Another plus to some cute workout gear? You can take all of the selfies you want and look killer doing it. (Scroll to the bottom for outfit details from this post!)

4. Post to Social Media

This one might sound a little bit out there, but you have to trust me on it. If you use social media than you already have a great fitness tool right in your pocket. By posting when you work out or even what you are eating to social media (who cares if people think it’s annoying, let the haters hate) it holds you accountable for your actions! So instead of just telling your friends how much you have been working out and eating better, SHOW THEM. You can post it to your story or you can make a regular post showcasing your #fitspiration for the world to see. The most important aspect of the post is that, not only does it hold you accountable for your actions, but it also allows you to reflect on the better choices you’ve been making. If you haven’t been making very good choices, these posts could be just the motivation that you need!

5. Hydrate

I know everyone says this, but it’s really important. The average adult body should contain about 60% water! If you aren’t giving your body the necessary fuel it needs than how can you expect to perform at your best level?

Not only does drinking water hydrate your body so that it operates at maximum quality, but it also makes you less likely to snack in between meals! While healthy snacks are totally fine, cupcakes and cookies are not the best. I am not saying that you should replace meals with water or hunger with water; however, the next time you get the urge to snack, ask yourself if you are properly hydrated before plunging into the pantry. Pair that delicious water with some fruit or veggies & you my friend, will be the epitome of health.


I hope that these tips & tricks will help you reach all of your fitness goals this year! If you have any other amazing tips that you would love to share, feel free to leave them in the comments below! Scroll Down to see outfit details!

* Note that another New Years Resolution of mine is more positivity - so if you bring negativity into the comments it will be deleted *

Outfit Details:

Top: Layer8 Qwick Dry Quarter Zip (found at TJ Maxx)

Bottom: VXS Sport Legging by Victorias Secret

Shoes: Black Nike Tanjun Running Sneakers

Headband: Lulu Lemon

Thanks so much for reading & be sure to check out my Instagram @dressedinblessings for some more great content!

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